Daily Meditations 2010

Daily Meditations 2010


393 pages - Size : 10cm x 16cm

  Français Italiano Deutsch Nederlands Español

13 July : If so many laws are needed to govern people’s relationships with each other, it is because love does not yet live in them. Once they know what real love is, once they live with this love, they will no longer need laws to remind them what they can or cannot do, they will just do it, for they will spontaneously find how to harmonize with each other.
Love is the one and only force that organizes all things and makes them grow and blossom. When there is love in a family, a community or a society, there is no longer any need to say, ‘Do this, and there’ll be trouble if you don’t!’ Everyone performs their task with pleasure. Wherever there is love, there is no need for laws.


  • Dizionario del libro della natura - analogie, immagini, simboli
  • Linguaggio simbolico, linguaggio della Natura
  • Le Leggi della Morale Cosmica

Sintassi della ricerca sui pensieri

Parola1 Parola2: cerca in almeno una delle due parole.
+Parola1 +Parola2: cerca nelle 2 parole.
"Parola1 Parola2": ricerca sull'espressione tra "".
Parola1*: cerca all'inizio della parola, qualunque sia la fine della parola.
-Parola: la parola dietro - è esclusa dalla ricerca.