'Have you ever realized that fire is visible only if it is accompanied by light? This is because light is the matter by means of which fire manifests itself. And if we transpose this image onto a higher plane we find that light is the substance which emanated from God, the primordial Fire, at the beginning of the world, when He said, ‘Let there be light’. It is this Light which St John, in the Prologue to his Gospel, calls the ‘Word’: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... All things were made through Him...’ Light is the Word uttered by the Creator and by means of this Light He created the world.'
1 - Light : Essence of Creation
2 - The Sun's Rays, their Nature and Activity
3 - Gold is Condensed Sunlight
4 - Light Enables us to See and be Seen
5 - Working with Light
6 - The Prism: a Symbol of Man
7 - Purity Clears the Way for Light
8 - Living with the Intensity of Light
9 - The Spiritual Laser.
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