'I know that it is not easy to conceive of God as inseparable from ourselves. But I can give you some exercises which will help. Disciples of an initiatic teaching know that within them dwells a cosmic Being of which they are only dimly aware and that they have to uproot their consciousness from the narrow confines of their own lower nature, so that it can melt into that boundless consciousness within them. This Being, this spark of divinity lives in them, and it is their task to seek until they find it.'
1 - ‘Our Father Which Art in Heaven'
2 - ‘My Father and I Are One'
3 - ‘Be Ye Perfect, Even as Your Father Who is in Heaven is Perfect'
4 - ‘Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and His Justice'
5 - ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven'
6 - ‘He That Eateth My Flesh and Drinketh My Blood Hath Eternal Life'
7 - ‘Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do'
8 - ‘Unto Him that Smiteth Thee on the One Cheek...'
9 - ‘Watch and Pray'
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